Short Course: Designing Safe, Healthy, Productive, and Attractive Mines


Presented by Robin Burgess-Limerick, Professor of Human Factors at the Mining Industry Safety and Health Centre, in the Sustainable Minerals Institute, at the University of Queensland.

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About this short course:

Designing safe, healthy, and productive mining work requires taking human abilities, limitations, and other characteristics into account. This workshop will draw on the presenter’s 25 years of research and consulting experience to illustrate how smart design improves mining work.

The topics to be addressed are: 

  1. Physical workstation design for safety and health; including access, control and display location, seating and whole-body vibration, and maintainability.
  2. Manual tasks risk management. 
  3. Control and display design for error prevention. 
  4. Mining Automation: lessons learned during implementation. 

Three related approaches to design will be explored through these topics:

i) participatory ergonomics, ii) human centred design, and iii) human systems integration. 

The workshop will conclude by engaging participants with a current research topic: “How to increase the attractiveness of mining work to improve recruitment and retention.”

Short Course: Designing Safe, Healthy, Productive, and Attractive Mines

Designing Safe, Healthy, Productive, and Attractive Mines


October 3, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 4:30 pm




Executive Learning Centre (Fraser Building, FA-386) at Laurentian University


Email & Registration:

Email & Registration: