Dr. Andrew Zarnke, PhD
My current research is focused on investigating observed occupational disease clusters reported by worker groups [...]
My current research is focused on investigating observed occupational disease clusters reported by worker groups [...]
Dr. Goggins’ is the Senior Scientist for CROSH. Her research interests focus on the role [...]
Dr. Godwin is an Associate Professor at Laurentian University, School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences [...]
Dr. Sandra Dorman is a Full Professor in the Faculty of Health at Laurentian University. [...]
Dr. Kathryn Sinden RKin, is an Associate Professor (School of Kinesiology) and Associate Scientist (EPID@Work) [...]
Dr. Nicholas Ravanelli is an Assistant Professor in the School of Kinesiology at Lakehead University. [...]
Ann Pegoraro, PhD is the Lang Chair in Sport Management and the Director of the [...]
Dr. Kociolek is an Associate Professor in Biomechanics and Ergonomics. He studies injury mechanisms and [...]
Dr. Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia is an occupational therapist and assistant professor in the Department of Occupational [...]
Dr. Merritt’s research combines genetics and experimentation to explore the connection between genetic diversity and [...]