Motherhood Journeys On and Off the Ice: A Narrative Analysis of Digital Media Stories of Professional Hockey Mothers


Willa Hladun, Dr. Kerry McGannon, Dr. Ann Pegoraro

More research is needed to understand and address the socio-cultural narratives circulating gendered norms impacting elite athlete mothers’ identities and lives. In this project, we extend understanding of athlete mother identities in relation to socio-cultural expectations, by focusing on the media. Researchers have established the media as a cultural site that creates identity meanings by circulating certain narratives, which influence the way(s) athletes are perceived by society, how athletes perceive themselves, and access to sport participation opportunities. We build on a small body of digital media research focused on athlete mothers In elite sport workspaces, to explore digital media stories circulated on the lives of heterosexual and queer athlete professional hocky mothers. This work will shed new light on the complex work-life balance and gender equity issues faced by athlete mothers.