Addressing Gender Inequity in Sport Through Women’s Invisible Labor.

Author: Dr. Katherine Sveinson, Dr. Elizabeth Taylor, Dr. Ajhanai Keaton, Dr. Laura Burton, Dr. Ann Pegoraro, Dr. Kim Toffoletti

Year: 2022

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While the progress of women in the sport industry has become more visible, there is still significant gender inequity. Extending the sport organizational literature, we argue that the unpaid, invisible, and emotional labor of women, especially those holding diverse social identities, is significantly contributing to gender inequity at the organizational level. In broader sport research, the micro, everyday experiences of women stakeholders and the connection to macro societal structures and ideologies have provided foundational insight to build upon. However, there is a need for research to focus on the meso-level organizational practices, policies, designs, structures, and culture to create real change. Therefore, we present a conceptual paper, focused on a meso-level analysis and the invisible labors that women stakeholders engage in, to extend existing work and provide a pathway for further investigation into gender inequity in sport.


organizational culture, emotional labor, intersectionality, women in sport, organizational design