Reflections on hermit crab creative non-fiction methodology: Examples from a narrative study of running fathers.

Author: Kerry R. McGannon, Jenny McMahon, Chris Zehntner

Year: 2024

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In this article, we draw on research employing creative nonfiction (CNF) in psychology and the sport sciences, to outline the value of one untapped CNF methodology: the hermit crab essay. We expand the methodological repertoire for CNF in arts based research by advocating for hermit crab CNFs that borrow from ready-made structures, to present ‘real research material’ in newly creative and accessible ways. We use the r/AmItheAsshole online advice community as our borrowed structure, to create examples ‘in action’ from a narrative study of running and fatherhood. We outline reflections researchers might consider if using this form of CNF.


athletes, parenthood, narrative inquiry, arts-based research