Social media for health promotion: What messages are women receiving about cardiovascular disease risk by the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation?

Author: Dr. Kerry McGannon

Year: 2020

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The aim of this study was to explore the meanings of women’s cardiovascular disease constructed within the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation Facebook page. Posts from Heart and Stroke Foundation and public user comments surrounding the launch of the Heart and Stroke Foundation re-branding were of interest. Ethnographic content analysis was employed to analyse text (n = 40), images (n = 32), videos (n = 6), user comments and replies (n = 42) from November 2016 to March 2017. Constructions (re)presented on Facebook of ‘typical’ women at risk and risk reduction were problematic as women most at risk were excluded through the use of consumerist, medicalized identities which also excluded promotion of healthy behaviour changes.


coronary heart disease, health promotion, qualitative methods, social media, women’s health