Systematic review protocol of yoga therapy as a modality in occupational therapy practice for adults experiencing mood disorders.

Author: Candice Crooks, Helena Toolsiedas, Alicia McDougall, Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia

Year: 2024

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Mood disorders can have a negative impact on daily functioning because cognitive deficits are exacerbated when individuals experience associated symptoms. Nevertheless, yoga therapy has been found to have enhancing features to well-being and quality of life. Occupational therapists are well positioned to include yoga as a modality to benefit clients experiencing mood disorders. However, literature on yoga interventions for mood disorders is underdeveloped causing an inadequate understanding of the health benefits. Thus, the aim of this study is to gain further knowledge associated with the implications of yoga as an intervention to increase participation in activities of daily living and enhance the quality of life of individuals experiencing mood disorders. This review will answer the following research question: can yoga therapy be used as an effective modality in occupational therapy practice to manage symptomatology related to mood disorders through increasing engagement in daily tasks?

Methods and analysis

OVID Medline, Embase as well as CINAHL Plus, Cochrane Library (Wiley), APA PsycINFO and Scopus will be explored to adhere to the following criteria: (1) studies discussing adults diagnosed with mood disorders, specifically bipolar and related disorders or depressive disorders as stated in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-5; (2) studies discussing implementation of yoga therapy; (3) a correlation between mood disorders and effectiveness of yoga therapy.

Ethics and dissemination

Ethics approval is not applicable for this study, due to obtaining data from existing research articles. The completed manuscript will be submitted in a peer-reviewed journal for publication.


mood disorders, cognitive defects, yoga, well-being, DSM-5