How to Do Research With Us

We’ve got years of expertise in solving health and safety problems through applied research.

A student pointing a laser thermometer at a worker's forehead to measure their temperature as part of a workplace covid screening research project

Here are ways we can help you:

  • Writing comprehensive reports based on existing research
  • Data analysis including graphing and statistics
  • Knowledge Transfer Exchange (KTE) development
  • Preparing technical reports
  • Project design: data collection, analysis, peer-reviewed journal publication
  • Assist with grant writing

Student Internships

CROSH funds student internships that enable our students to partner with organizations and assist them with a workplace-identified occupational health and safety problem at no cost to the organization.

  • No cost to the workplace
  • 150-hours duration (~10 hours/week)
  • Student internship projects can involve data analysis, literature reviews, knowledge transfer and exchange material development, and more
  • Workplaces can access specialized CROSH equipment and other resources (e.g. experts in a field) through the student intern, as needed for the project

Learn more about our internship program and get access to application forms.

Workplace Support Grants

Some government programs fund students and/or early-career researchers to partner with organizations to assist with occupational health and safety-related research projects. Some government programs also match workplace funding to conduct research. CROSH writes the grants and conducts the research; while the workplace provides partial funding for the project.

Mitacs Grants

Mitacs Accelerate

  • Masters or PhD student project
  • Workplace contributes 50%, Program matches
  • Minimum project funding is $15,000, (student stipend starting at $10,000) for a 4-6 month duration
  • Workplace can access to specialized CROSH equipment through the student
  • Intellectual property is not retained by workplace; student researcher must be able to publish results

More About Mitacs Accelerate

Mitacs Standard Elevate

  • Post-doctoral researcher
  • Up to 2-year duration
  • Workplace contributes $30,000 (minimum)
  • Award is valued at $60,000 with a minimum stipend of $55,000
  • Workplace gets access to specialized CROSH equipment
  • Intellectual property is not retained by workplace; researcher must be able to anonymously publish results

More About Mitacs Elevate

Mitacs Thematic Elevate

  • Post-doctoral researcher
  • Up to 2-year duration
  • Workplace contributes $40,000 (minimum)
  • Award is valued at $80,000 with a minimum stipend of $70,000
  • Workplace gets access to specialized CROSH equipment
  • Intellectual property is not retained by workplace; researcher must be able to anonymously publish results

More About Mitacs Elevate

Details About Mitacs Grants

Mitacs (Accelerate) Mitacs (Standard Elevate) Mitacs (Thematic Elevate)
Partner Contribution $7,500 $30,000 (min) $40,000 (min)
Student Researcher Receives $15,000 $55,000 $70,000
Researcher Level MSc, PhD Postdoctoral Researcher Postdoctoral Researcher
Researcher Time 4-6 months
(50% at academic institution,
50% at workplace)
Up to 2-years Up to 2-years
Number of Projects 1 Variable Variable
Specialized Equipment Accessible? Yes Yes Yes
Intellectual Property Retained by Partner? No No No

NSERC Alliance Grants

SSHRC and CIHR grants are available (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council; Canadian Institutes of Health Research).

Option 1

  • $20,000 to $1 million per year
  • Workplace partner contributes 33% to 50% of cost
  • 1 to 5 years in duration
  • Researchers can be undergraduates, master’s, or doctoral students as well as postdoctoral researchers
  • Intellectual property is not retained by the workplace
  • Access to specialized CROSH equipment

Option 2

  • $30,000 to $1 million per year
  • Workplace partner contributes 0% of cost
  • 1 to 5 years in duration
  • Researchers can be undergraduates, master’s, or doctoral students as well as postdoctoral researchers
  • Intellectual property is not retained by the workplace
  • Access to specialized CROSH equipment

Details About NSERC Alliance Grants

NSERC Alliance (SSHRC, CIHR) Option 1 NSERC Alliance (SSHRC, CIHR) Option 2
Partner Contribution 33.3 – 50% 0%
Student Researcher Receives $20,000 to $1 million per year $30,000 to $1 million per year
Researcher Level UG, M, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher UG, M, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher
Researcher Time 1 year minimum; 5 year maximum 1 year minimum; 5 year maximum
Number of Projects Variable Variable
Specialized Equipment Accessible? Yes Yes
Intellectual Property Retained by Partner? No No

NSERC Scholarships

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) offers a variety of scholarships that enable students and early-career researchers to partner with workplaces to conduct occupational health and safety research.

  • Most scholarships require no financial input from the workplace
  • Durations range from 4 months to 3 years
  • In most cases, intellectual property is not retained by the partner

Undergraduate Student Research Award

  • 14 – 16 weeks long
  • $6,000 + host institution minimum contribution of $3,625.50
  • Intellectual property is retained by the partner

More About Undergraduate Student Research Awards

Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s

  • Partner contributes $0; student receives $17,500
  • 1-year long while in school full-time
  • Access to specialized CROSH equipment

More About Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s

Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral

  • Partner contributes $0; student receives $35,000 per year
  • Up to 3 years, while in school full-time
  • Access to specialized CROSH equipment

More About Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral

Canada Graduate Scholarship – Post-Doctoral

  • Partner contributes $0; student receives $21,000 per year
  • 3 years
  • Access to specialized CROSH equipment

More About Canada Graduate Scholarship – Post-Doctoral

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship

  • Partner contributes $0; student receives $70,000 per year
  • Up to 2 years
  • Access to specialized CROSH equipment

More About Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships

Details About NSERC Scholarships

USRA CGS-M CGS-D CGS-PD Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship
Partner Contribution $1,125 $0 $0 $0
Student Researcher Receives $4,500 $17,500 $35,000 per year $21,000 per year $70,000 per year
Researcher Level UG M PhD Postdoctoral Researcher Postdoctoral Researcher
Researcher Time 4 months 1 year (while in school full-time) Up to 3 years (while in school full-time) 3 years Up to 2 years
Number of Projects Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable
Specialized Equipment Accessible? No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Intellectual Property Retained by Partner? Yes No No No No

Research Grant Applications

NOAMA Grants

NOAMA (Northern Ontario Academic Medicine Association) grants are designed to pair medical doctors (MDs) with PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in order to complete a single research project in one year.

  • $50,000 per year
  • Up to 2-years
  • No financial cost to workplace partner
  • Principle Investigator is a medical doctor
  • Intellectual property is not retained by the workplace
  • Access to specialized CROSH equipment

More About NOAMA

Details About NOAMA Grants

Partner Contribution $0
Student Researcher Receives ~$50,000
Researcher Level PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher
Researcher Time Up to 2-years
Number of Projects 1
Specialized Equipment Accessible? Yes
Intellectual Property Retained by Partner? No

Master’s Students

Thesis: 1-2 research projects/experiments


  • Design experiments (with Supervision)
  • Data collection (with Supervision)
  • Data analysis
  • Statistical analysis with variable isolation
  • General linear modelling
  • Post-hoc analysis
  • Write a peer-reviewed journal publication (with Supervision)
  • Research presentations (with Supervision)

Doctoral (PhD) Students

Thesis: 1-3 research projects/experiments


  • Design experiments (Scope assessed by Supervisor)
  • Ethics applications
  • Data collection
  • Data analysis
  • Advanced statistical modelling and variable isolation
  • Write peer-reviewed journal publications
  • Present research to multiple audiences

Postdoctoral Researchers

A trained expert in research who is in the early stages of their career.


  • Meet with partners
  • Grant writing
  • Design experiments
  • Ethics applications
  • Data collection/analysis
  • Write peer-reviewed journal publications
  • Present research to multiple audiences

Workplace Funded Research

Workplaces can hire our researchers to lead specific health and safety research projects. Recent examples of workplace funded research include evaluating an organization’s fatigue awareness program and doing research on heat stress in the field for certain first responders.

Email us at if you have a research project in mind; we’d like to work with you!