Field Services

Our experts provide comprehensive health and safety field services (i.e. services at your worksite) to workplaces and organizations of all sizes.

We are committed to helping you maintain a safe and healthy work environment for your employees and customers. As such, we offer a range of services designed to help you solve your health and safety problems, meet regulatory requirements, and mitigate potential risks.

Scientist in PPE setting up an acceleromter to take vibration measurements in a mine.

Our team is equipped to handle a variety of on-site health and safety concerns, including:

A worker kneeling outside beside a backpack with a wire spool

Ergonomic Assessments and Job Demands Analysis

Researcher making notes while a worker wearing monitoring equipment sits on a robotic chair

Whole-body Vibration Evaluation

Accelerometer attached to the steering wheel on a piece of mobile equipment

Hand-Arm Transmitted Vibration

Accelerometer and boots on a metal surface in a mine

Foot-Transmitted Vibration

Person wearing VR goggles superimposed on a view of a computer generated mine drift

Line-of-Sight Testing

…and more.

Inquire About Field Services