All Services

With our technical expertise and state-of-the-art equipment, we can help you solve your workplace health and safety-related problems. Scroll down to explore the services we offer.

A researcher taking notes on a person riding stationary bike while hooked up to a machine that measures they're breathing

Workplace Simulator Services

  • Vibration Evaluation and Testing

  • Environmental Temperature (hot or cold)

  • Line-of-Sight

  • Fit for Duty Assessments

Researcher and worker surrounded by technology in the Workplace Simulator Lab
CROSH student showing physiology measuring device to a fireranger

Field Services

  • Ergonomic Assessments/Job Demands Analysis

  • Whole-body vibration evaluation

  • Hand-transmitted vibration evaluation

  • Noise Monitoring

  • Line-of-Sight Testing

  • Mobile Research Lab (M-CROSH)


Perfect for health and safety training days, our workshops share the important take home messages on the latest health and safety research. We can customize our workshops to your specific workplace needs.

Researcher giving a workshop on sleep and fatigue to seated workers in a classroom.
Researcher instructing seated students next to a projected image of the health impacts of vibration exposure.


Learn how you can make your workplace safer by taking one of our specially-designed health and safety courses. Your course hours can count towards professional designations.

Fitness Services

  • VO2 Max or SubMax Test

  • Resting Metabolic Rate Measurement

  • Body Composition Analysis

Person in PPE sitting on a robotic platform while wearing VR goggles and breathing through a scientific face mask and hose
CROSH Mobile Research Lab (M-CROSH) with door open and tables with safety information set-up outside

M-CROSH Services

  • Book for your workplace or community event 

  • Health and safety research project

Expert Services

  • Providing overviews of existing, evidence-based research

  • Data analysis, like graphing and statistics

  • Developing information-sharing materials (Knowledge Translation)

  • Writing technical reports

  • Project design: data collection, analysis, peer-reviewed journal publication

  • Assisting with grant writing

Icon of a graph

General Service Inquiries

Want to collaborate with us on a research project?