CROSH Webinar: Incorporating Sex & Gender Into Applied Ergonomic Research
Dr. Kathryn Sinden is a Registered Kinesiologist and Assistant Professor in the School of Kinesiology at Lakehead University. Her research focus is in applied ergonomics and involves collaborations with employers to develop tools that can be used to reduce exposure to risk factors that are linked to workplace injury. Kathryn’s research has been funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Ontario Ministry of Labour; it is currently funded by Lakehead University’s Senate Research Council. Kathryn completed her PhD in the School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University; her post-doctoral training was completed at Queen’s University and McGill University. Kathryn also has 14 years of experience working as a kinesiologist in disability management and ergonomics. Presented by Dr. Kathryn Sinden.